So far here's who I've heard from:
Brittany Hicks
Carla Offutt
Peggy Taylor
Stacey Bridges
Amy Dotson
Speaking of you being so faithful, the next Godsword is all about faithfulness, and not just our faithfulness, but His. You can find it in 2 Timothy 2:13
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself.
How about that verse? He can't lose faith even when I do, praise You, God! He can't lose faith because that would be to deny his very being. It's impossible. Wrap your mind around that for a second.
When I have been beat up by the world and can't find the strength to hold my head up, when I'm faithless, He is no less full of faith than He was on the day I had all of the faith I could imagine having. He never experiences those kinds of days! He never hangs His head in despair. He is always 100% full of unwavering faith.
Who He is, what He is made up of, is not dependent on me. It is not dependent on my faithfulness to Him. Who He is does not depend upon my performance. He is still completely Himself.
Don't forget to try this great tool to help you memorize your verses, a few of you have tried it out and I was glad to hear how much you liked it! Here's another challenge for you, see if you can think of a friend to invite to memorize these swords with you. If you can't think of one, take a look here and see if there's a name on one of these Godswords that you haven't seen in a while and invite them to help you as you help them at the same time.
By the way, I don't know if you remember the post, Still Singing, where I introduced you to a sweet lady named Mrs. Dot. Let me just tell you, I am so jealous of Mrs. Dot, she is now sitting at the feet of my Savior, and I just bet you she's Still Singing. Please remember my friend, Cathy, and her family in prayer as they discover what life will be like without her here with them. I can just about assure you that in addition to more singing, I figure there is more laughter in Heaven now than just a few days ago, because Mrs. Dot could sure make us all laugh!

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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