and their acknowledgement of the power of God's written Word. If you see them, tell them great job, and if you feel the need, I'm sure they are up for a pop quiz!
Godsword #1 Exodus 14:14Brittany Hicks
Mitzi Mason
Carla Offutt
Stacey Bridges
Camillia Madden
Peggy Taylor
Julia Meyer
Karen Edwards
Linda Jenkins
Godsword #2 Psalms 51:12April Tinsman
Carla Offutt
Camillia Madden
Farrah Newton
Stacey Bridges
Linda Jenkins
Brittany Hicks
Peggy Taylor
Godsword #3 Hosea 10:12Brittany Hicks
Carla Offutt
Stacey Bridges
Peggy Taylor
Camillia Madden
Godsword #4 Psalms 73:26April Tinsman
Carla Offutt
Stacey Bridges
Camillia Madden
Peggy Taylor
Brittany Hicks
If you memorized a verse and don't see your name on this list, please let me know. You have no idea how much your participation encourages me. I know that some of you have trouble posting comments, and if that is the case, send me an email and I'll add your name. My address is
I also want to say thank you all so much for the kind words of support you posted on my blog about She Speaks. I did not win the scholarship, but imagine the flip flopping my heart did when I scrolled down to see the name of the winner. Now - keep in mind, my name is Amy Dotson, as you think about the tricks a mind can play at a glance when you see "amandatdodson".
Oh well, better luck next time.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I am lovin this hiding God's Word in my heart! It just makes me feel so full. It's not just memorizing it, it's taking His Word , making it very personal to you, letting it soak into your whole being. Thank you Amy for using your gift & being obedient to what God is leading you to do. You will never know the far reaching ways your blog has touched the lives of people. Love you!!! Carla