I decided to include a repost today of the words I penned the day I left the She Speaks Conference. God made it very clear to me that I was right where He wanted me for those few days and I recorded my thoughts while they were still fresh:
August 2, 2010
As I pack my things to return home to my comfortable surroundings, many things swirl through my mind. There have been several moments of feeling insignificant and overwhelmed while I have been here, for there are so many women here much more qualified to attend than me, and there have been one or maybe ten times I have thought "what was I thinking?". This place has been bustling with women who already speak, who already write books, there have been publishers, agents, you name it.
As I left one of my classes, a class I now know was way over my head, I was more than a little downcast and, truthfully, wanted to get in my car and come home. I wondered if I had misinterpreted His leading by coming. God, being the loving Father that He is, knew how I was feeling. He was aware that deep down inside I felt like a little girl who wanted to run home to Momma. I sat down for lunch and introduced myself to the woman already sitting there. She returned the greeting introducing herself as "Susan".
That's my mom's name. I felt His arms embrace my heart.
Isaiah 66:13 "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."
After lunch He reminded me of the prayer room that had been set up for us to use whenever needed. I went there because I needed to feel His presence and I did the very moment I walked into that room. On the tables every woman's name was written on a piece of paper next to a specific verse that had been prayed for them. I was excited to see what was written there and I just knew He would have a special message for me.
And that He did.
In haste I wrote down all of the scripture references they had for my name, I knelt and prayed for a few moments, and then rushed off to my next class. He gave me enough strength to press on for at least one more teaching time, and the next class was much more my speed. As I listened to the teacher, I felt Him reaffirming to me that I am me. There is no one like me. He did not create me to be like any of these amazing ladies I have admired as they stand on the platform. He wants me to be me. Write what He tells me, speak His words. That's it. Just obey.
At the close of the evening I went back to my room. Just before crawling into bed, I dug out the little note I had scribbled in the prayer room. I wanted to treasure hunt the scriptures that had been prayed for me, but I didn't have to hunt at all. He had a diamond on display just for me, that could not have been placed in that room without His design.
Here is what I read:
".....and His resting place shall be glorious." Isaiah 11:10
Now, scroll up to the top of this page and read the scripture that I typed on my blog header over four months ago.
I knew in that moment I was right where I was supposed to be.
My friends, I cannot describe to you how certain I was of His presence that night and I feel that pull again as I did last spring. I will be entering today's post in a scholarship contest and I ask two things from you, my readers and sisters in Christ:
- Pray for His will, and His will alone to be done.
- If you would be so kind as to post a comment today explaining why you think I should go back, I would be so thankful to you. The scholarship judges will be reading what you have to say and will announce a winner on Monday, March 14.
Be blessed beyond measure today, and thank you for your friendship and support,

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I will most definitely be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteI got that, hard to breath chills when I re-read about your experience from last years conference. How the affirmation of the direction you are obediently following, and how our Amazing Father put those clearly in your path. What encouragement to you, and then you turn and use to encourage us with. I love how clearly it is God is using you. Making it something all about Him, because you know this is something if He didn't come thru, would surly fail. I love learning from you. Your willingness to be transparent of these teachings, brings more glory to Him. I think definitely, going to learn more, and be shown more by Him would be a fantastic opportunity for you. It might be selfish, but I've learned so much from reading your blog...I kind of want you to go so I can learn even more too! :) Love you so much.
Just to clarify...I long to be so reliant on the Holy Spirit, our Savior, our Father like you are...to be willing to be put in a situation like you have, that if He didnt come thru it would surly fail...That is how much you Trust Him.
ReplyDeleteYou are EXACTLY right where God has called you to be. I have known you since we were little kids riding the school bus together and you have always been a special person to me but I know God has breathed the words you type in your blog. I see His presence in you and your desire to do His will and I have seen the way He touches and speaks to others through you. Yes I encourage you to return to She Speaks as encouragement for you to continue the work He has called you to and to be intertwined with others that have the same desire of your heart, to serve God and show women how much He truely loves us. I will continue to pray for that door to open for you. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteBeyond Sunday Morning has become much more to me than just a blog post. Somedays I can't wait to open the page to see what God has shared with you Amy...You are not just my sister but a great inspiration..The words and stories in these posts are amazing in the sense that sometimes the lessons are exactly what I have been feeling or wondering about, sometimes the answers I am seeking are found here, like God told you to tell me :)..because He is that good of a Friend :)-April
ReplyDeleteYou have a gift! I don't know of anyone else in my life that can see God in every single thing they come in contact with the way you do. I often ask myself, "How did she come up with that?" You didn't! The Holy Spirit gives it to you and you have such a giving heart to share it with us. Not only do I love see what he has shown you, but it has taught me to be more aware of him speaking through everything around me. God speaks to you so clearly and learning how to spread it to others is an awesome opportunity. This is what flows out of you. You don't create it. You don't copy someone else. It's God through you and the world NEEDS you!
ReplyDeletePraying for you as always -
Amy, I have enjoyed your blog and it has inspired me so much with your personal stories and how you relate them as to a spiritual lesson. I want to be able to be in tune to the Holy Spirit and your writings have made me realize that I need to listen and be aware of things that happen in my daily life that it just might be God trying to tell me something.
ReplyDeleteGod is using you and I pray HIs richest blessings upon your life. Sallie
Amy, you and your words'feed my soul, warm my heart' every week day. I even miss you on weekends.. I am praying for you and your family to show you the way-- God gives me Strength in my heart; whenever my flesh and heart may fail. hmmmm - wonder who helped me get that verse in my memory??? It's you.. Thankyou and GodBless..
ReplyDeleteAmy, from the first post you placed, it has been so obvious that your words flow from the heart of our Heavenly Father. Many of your posts have moved me to stop the chaos of a busy office to share your words with all of my coworkers. Countless numbers of people have reaped the rewards of this seed that was planted in your heart. Sometimes I am in awe of what God is saying to me through you. I know that it must be hard to expose your heart and to share intimate, personal stories with the world but our Lord has supplied you with amazing strength and courage. I pray that God will continue to pour out His blessings on you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI try to read your blog every morning before I go to work. Your way with words can only be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Many days, I think of your writings and how they were the words I needed to hear. Tough times are a way of life, but just reading and knowing that someone else is feeling what you need to read is so powerful. God bless you and I know He does.
ReplyDeleteAmy, God is definitely using you in a powerful way. To be able to take "everyday, ordinary" experiences and lay them out in a way all can understand, and to add Biblical meaning and Scripture to those experiences can only come from God. You have 'Blessed my Heart'. Cheryl
ReplyDeleteEveryday I can't wait to receive your email that the new post is available. You have helped me see God in places I haven't seen before...He's been there all along, but you helped me see Him. I am praying for you, as you pray for all of us. Thank you for all you've done so far and I know God has so much more in store for you and I'm looking forward to being a part of it too!
Amy, I am so in awe of the way that God is working in your life. Your blog makes me laugh and cry but mostly to think of the verses in the Bible in a whole different way. The stories lead and bless me in ways you can never know and I know it is the mighty hand of God shining down on all of us. I am grateful to God for leading you in this direction and pray every day that God will whisper to you the things that we need to hear from Him. You have been blessed with such a wonderful gift and I am so glad that God placed you in my life for just such a time as this. My continued prayers are with you and thanks for blessing me each and every day! - Julia
ReplyDeleteAmy, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK to the upcoming She Speaks conference... simply because God isn't finished with you yet. You have just begun! Our Lord led you down this path, providing you with both the life experiences and the talent to glorify Him through your gift with words and study. Those talents teach and encourage so many about the love and nature of God. It is evident that your love for the Lord is transparent, and even contagious, and it oozes out of every sentence. You paint a story in such a way that I can almost experience it along with you. Most importantly, perhaps what I admire and adore most about your devotions is your honesty. You give us glimpses into your heart and its battles that we all can relate to: the Royal Princess Daughter of the King versus the struggling woman trying to navigate the waters of this world without succumbing to them. Your devotions mix scripture and everyday occurrences to teach me how much more God loves me and how to put that love into action. Thank you for your obedience to God's purpose for your life. It has blessed me so richly! Praying blessings for you and your sweet family.