If you didn’t catch the first part of this post, click here and I’ll bring you up to speed. For those of you who did catch it, let’s take the concept in a different direction today.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Warrior Princess Wednesday
Ok, I'll admit, this Godsword was a little more difficult to learn than some of the others, but some of you have been soooo faithful and perservered and memorized 2 Peter 1:3. Great job!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Testify Tuesday
What do you need to tell us today about your good God? Where have you seen Him working and moving and breathing?

Monday, March 28, 2011
It's All In The Application
Happy Monday, my friends! I hope you were all able to join with others in corporate worship yesterday. There is nothing that compares to spending time with God during the week, and then joining with other believers for corporate worship on Sunday. When I worship with people who have brought the experiences they have had with God that week with them on Sunday, the worship service is like a party in my spirit! I love it. I pray the same for you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Happy Obedience
When we first hear the word “rules” we tend to think of rules in a negative sense. I mean, how fun can they be? Rules take away our freedom. Rules give us parameters to live by. Rules have lots of “Dont's”. And some of those “dont's” we would rather “do” if we were honest!

An Old Home Remedy for the Heart
My daughter has an infected finger. I have nursed and babied this little finger for two weeks now. Some days it seems a little better, but then some days, it seems we lose ground. It’s swollen, red, painful, and looks a little angry.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
But Mama You Killed It!
I so loved Peggy Taylor's comment to yesterday's post. Here's what she had to say:
Thank you for the reminder of God's Blessing thru everyday sightings. Thank you God for giving us eyes to see all your Blessings. I can recall what my son told me when he was around 5 yrs.old.(now 50+) I reached down and picked one of those pretty daffodils on one of our nature walks--he questioned me "why did I do that?" -cause it's so pretty. His words were to me "but mama you killed it." His words have stuck with me all these years. He was right--- out of the mouth of babes..... pt

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Unexpected Delight
Girls, I know your days are difficult, sometimes very difficult, and it’s hard to find hope in the midst of your circumstances. I can say that because I am often there too. There are days when my shoulders slump and my head drops as I say, “Lord, why?”

Monday, March 21, 2011
Tender Lessons Learned
It was one of those times in parenting when the consequences themselves would serve as the perfect punishment. I saw fear linger upon her face for a few moments

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Just Before Impact
Even now, when I ride in the car with my mom, she throws her hand across me at the slightest hint of danger. As I was growing up, I always wondered how she remembered to do that every time she slammed on the brakes, never failing to offer her protection. I have caught myself doing the same thing many times.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
These Girls Make Me Proud
I want to give a much deserved shout out to these very dedicated women. They have worked hard to hide God's Word in their hearts and I am so proud of their dedication to Him

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Today is Warrior Princess Wednesday where we wield the Godswords that we have memorized over the past several days. If you have never participated in Warrior Princess Wednesdays, we would love for you to join in. We learn one verse every 2 weeks and recite it back to each other once we get it memorized. It not only serves as a challenge to hide God's Word in our hearts, but also provides accountability knowing that our friends are memorizing alongside us.
Here's who I have so far on this week's memory verse:
Here's who I have so far on this week's memory verse:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Testify Tuesday
We were in for a treat Sunday evening with Dallas Holm in our service, and it was an awe-inspiring time for us. What an anointed man of God we witnessed as he shared both in song and from his heart.

Monday, March 14, 2011
As usual, God continues to teach me through my children, thus I have another lesson from my parenting to share with you, and He stepped on my toes a bit with this one. So consider yourself warned!

Friday, March 11, 2011
Precious Jesus,
You are my Savior, You are my Friend. Thank You for Your mercy that is new for me today and thank You for Your promise that Your mercy will continue to be new for me every morning.
Father, it's been a long week for some and if I could put each one in the palm of my hand and lift them close to You, I would, I cannot phyiscally do that; however in Your ability, You can reach down and touch each and every weary heart in Your very specific way. I ask you my loving, tender Father to do that for my friends and family today. There can never be too much of Your touch, never too much of Your favor, never too much of Your presence.
You are my Savior, You are my Friend. Thank You for Your mercy that is new for me today and thank You for Your promise that Your mercy will continue to be new for me every morning.
Father, it's been a long week for some and if I could put each one in the palm of my hand and lift them close to You, I would, I cannot phyiscally do that; however in Your ability, You can reach down and touch each and every weary heart in Your very specific way. I ask you my loving, tender Father to do that for my friends and family today. There can never be too much of Your touch, never too much of Your favor, never too much of Your presence.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
A No Risk Investment Opportunity
There are not many things in life that are certain. We are not promised tomorrow. Stock markets crash; gas prices change by the minute, it seems; a husband or a wife comes home and says, unexpectedly, “I don’t love you anymore.” Jobs come and go; those you thought were your friends may leave your side; homes can be destroyed or repossessed; serious illness can be diagnosed at one single doctor’s visit. Life is so uncertain and often leaves us wondering “what if”. It leaves us asking “Did I do everything right?”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Before we get into today's post, if you haven't read my post from yesterday, I would really appreciate it if you did, as your input could make a difference.
One day last week I was taking advantage of a few quiet moments and found myself in Numbers chapter eleven as I sat in my car at Sonic. It seems that second only to the shower, God gets a chance to talk with me as I sit STILL at Sonic. As I dipped my tasty corndog in just a dab of mustard, I almost choked on my sweet tea when I read verse 4.
One day last week I was taking advantage of a few quiet moments and found myself in Numbers chapter eleven as I sat in my car at Sonic. It seems that second only to the shower, God gets a chance to talk with me as I sit STILL at Sonic. As I dipped my tasty corndog in just a dab of mustard, I almost choked on my sweet tea when I read verse 4.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Return To Right Where I'm Supposed To Be
I embarked on something very out of character for me last year when I began writing Beyond Sunday Morning and then attended the She Speaks Conference. Most of you who know me, know that I am not one who likes to travel, and I am certainly nervous to be in unfamiliar situations with unfamiliar people, but last spring, God began a work, and that work took me out of my "familiarness" for a few days. I felt an unexplainable yet certain pull to attend She Speaks, and I knew it was not from myself. My husband encouraged me to try it several years ago, and I wanted no part of it. That encouragement was a seed planted and the seed grew until last spring when God let the seed sprout into reality for me. The work He began is still not complete and I am still not sure what He has in mind for the finished product, but I have been following His lead one day at a time.
I decided to include a repost today of the words I penned the day I left the She Speaks Conference. God made it very clear to me that I was right where He wanted me for those few days and I recorded my thoughts while they were still fresh:
I decided to include a repost today of the words I penned the day I left the She Speaks Conference. God made it very clear to me that I was right where He wanted me for those few days and I recorded my thoughts while they were still fresh:

Monday, March 7, 2011
Too Much Hullabaloo
Sunday mornings at our house have moments of chaos; I am sure some of you can completely identify and yesterday was no exception from the norm. I walked into the kitchen where Todd to remind him of something, and entered the room just as he called out for Brenna. We must keep this blessed child on task if we ever want to leave the house, and it was time for “the drill”–

Friday, March 4, 2011
Oh, I Hope So
Brenna looked forward to her class field trip for weeks. She and her third grade class ventured out Tuesday on the much anticipated escapade with enthusiasm, poor teachers! The plan was to attend a play at the Carson Performing Arts Center and then stop for lunch at a local pizza restaurant.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Sissy In The Kitchen
It was on ordinary evening, well maybe not so ordinary, since I was actually at home cooking dinner for my family and not running myself ragged with evening commitments. Maybe I should say it was an “extraordinary” evening since I actually had the opportunity to be at home to cook dinner! Either way I describe it, I stood in front of my stove and had the main dish all prepared except for the final touch – dumplings.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Warrior Princess Wednesday
Ok class, put your pencils down and pass your papers to the front. Isn't that what the teachers used to say when it was time to turn in your test? Something like that anyway. If you haven't turned in your Godsword yet for this week, today's the day!
Now moving on to our next chapter.....
Now moving on to our next chapter.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Testify Tuesday
Ok girls, my Testify Tuesday story my frighten you just a tad, but I must share it, so brace yourselves....Here goes....

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