My story for this Tuesday actually comes from one of my readers. Last week after the article Reaching For Grace, a reader posted a comment and after reading it, my heart broke for her at the same time as it rejoiced for her. Upon writing the words of the post, I was thinking of the "ordinary" ways we fall in our everyday lives, but she shared from a very personal place which, after reading her comment, reminded me once again how BIG our God is. How sufficient He is to meet our needs, no matter how great our loss. Thank you, sweet friend for sharing your comment with us. Thank you for reminding me how huge my Abba is.
Post your God story below (in the white box at the bottom of this page)and testify to His goodness today. Your words can be the very ones that God uses to lift someone else from the mire and set them on solid ground.
Today is also the "last call" for anyone wanting to participate in Scripture Memory for this year.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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ReplyDeleteI am a stepmom. I love being a stepmom, it comes with a new set of challenges, but I love the extra gifts God saw fit to share with me. This past weekend was rough for one of my beautiful stepdaughters. Shes growing thru alot, and seeing her struggle, and discern is encouraging, and exciting right along with heartbreaking, and painful. An issue that was front and center this weekend were about peer pressure in relation to movies that me and her dad dont think are acceptable for her to watch but all her friends (and her mom and granny) think are, she was explaining how much pressure she feels, cause she wants to see it too, but she knows we dont want her to see it because it doesnt make God happy when those things are in her mind, so she doesnt know what to do. I LOVE having her talk to us so honestly. I LOVE that she isnt just taking our word for things, but really seeing the reasons why we allow, or dont allow certain things in our house. I HATE that she has no friends at her school who understand and support her. BUT...this is also where God granted me more grace. I do not have a close relationship with my other step daughter, and try as I did to build one, it hasnt quite come to pass. (still praying!) I am constantly second guessing myself in areas with my 2nd stepdaughter, remembering past failures and mistakes, and being more than aware the same situations are coming around again. This time, in our conversation about friends, She is broken hearted that she has no one like her 2 friends from church, McKayla and Kirklyn at her school. She went on and on about how much she knows they are true friends because they agree with her when it comes to movies, music, clothes, fun, etc. Not like her friends at school. I told her that I have one best friend, and she goes to church with us too, if we had everyone as a best friend, we wouldnt know and understand how valuable they are when we find one that means everything to us. I understand how it is to have alot of buddies, but I dont just look at the lack of close friends, but look at the blessings of having the close friends I do have, and know that every Sunday I get to see them. That is a testimony in itself that she grasped that during this time. But on top of that...We related. We connected. We understood each others pain, and joys. I loved it. I havent experienced that before with even my own daughter. She's next in line to hit these difficult years. But I'm ok with waiting on that....So lots of testimonies...Lots of Gods handywork in orchestrating these events, in the life of my stepdaughter, and in the life of our family as a unit. I love it.