The first phrase was “God said….”.
The second phrase was “And that is what happened.”
These phrases occurred in conjunction with each other six times in the short segment I was reading, I think He wanted us to get the concept from the get go that His words happen.
Whatever God says, whether it be “Let there be light” or “It is Finished”, cannot be wrong. It cannot be wrong because of the nature of who He is. He is 100% complete, 100% pure, 100% truth, 100% holy, therefore, there is no way that error can come from His mouth. There is no way that what He says won’t happen.
Do you get how astounding that is?
We all have rubbed shoulders with people who say one thing and do another. For example, you have been planning a party for a few weeks and are inviting several friends who have told you they will be there, but when the day arrives, most of them cancel. Or you’ve taken on a big project and people have told you they will help you, only to find 3 people to actually execute the task – me, myself, and I. Many times the situation can’t be helped, and many times it can. Sometimes the value of our word has “lost its value” because what we have said never came to fruition.
It can NEVER be that way with God.
Here’s a familiar scripture, but read it with fresh eyes -
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth, and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11 NLT
Matthew 25:35 says this about His words:
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” NASB
Shall not – not might not, not probably won’t. Shall not. His words will never be sent out in vain, His words will never disappear. His word accomplishes things and they are forever. Which is why we need to know those words. Don’t forget to let me know if you are interested in the scripture memorization. We will start soon!
Father, I pray for a hunger and thirst to know your word and hide it in my heart like never before. May my appetite for your instruction be ravenous and make my mind and spirit like a sponge to absorb them. Father, I pray that the words are living in me, not mere knowledge, words that I will use every day of my life to live according to your will and to rest in your power and not my own abilities.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
PS: My friend, Whitt Madden, of Be The Domino Ministries, has a great website He has many resources, devotionals, and ideas on how to have a domino effect on the life of someone else for the Kingdom outlined on his site. Whitt is featuring a story about Beyond Sunday Morning today, and I know he would love for you to jump over to his site for a visit and look around. Ladies, I highly recommend you show his website to your husbands as a place to go for daily encouragement and direction. I would be honored for you to read about Beyond Sunday Morning while you are there.