My Godsword from memory:
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
If you have yours memorized, don't forget to post your comment so that I can give you proper credit! Did you see what was new in the sidebar?!? Accountability helps me and I hope it helps you too.
Now, moving on...
You know, sometimes it's just time for a "time out". As I sat on the bleachers for my daughter's softball game several days ago, I heard a daddy of a young little boy say, "No. You are in time out. I told you not to do that and you did it anyway. You disobeyed me, so now you have to spend some time in time out."
Needless to say, the little boy was not happy about it, but he sat and did his time anyway. Apparently he knew Daddy meant business because he didn't challenge the situation any further. I'll admit, I probably have spent more time in "time out" than I realize. I just wonder sometimes how different my life would be if I obeyed God, if I had followed His direction. I wonder how many months and years I have wasted sitting in a time out until I could learn to obey, until I could learn to listen.......
Father, thank You for forgiving me each time. I pray I will learn each lesson and not repeat time out over and over for the same offenses.
Sisters, I hate to have to say this, but I must - because it's true. When we disobey, it is sin.
It is.
The cold hard truth.
I truly believe God's Word is useful and vital for changed lives, which is why I chose the Godsword I did for this week. I will warn you, it is not one of those warm fuzzy verses, it's an in-your-face verse, but I promise you it will apply EVERYDAY.
Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
James 4:17
What are some rubber-meets-the-road applications of this verse? Here's a few examples, I'm sure you can think of more:
If I know I ought to keep my harsh words to myself and say them anyway, it is sin.
If know I should refrain from purchasing something and buy it anyway, it is sin.
If I know I should remove myself from a compromising situation and don't, it is sin.
If I know that a conversation is bound for gossip and participate anyway, it is sin.
If I feel the Spirit tell me that this television show is not for me, and I watch it anyway, it is sin.
If the Spirit has prompted me to give to the Lord and I don't, it is sin.
If I know I should not subject my children's innocent hearts, ears, and eyes to crude music or entertainment and allow it into my home or my family's life anyway, it is sin.
My sisters, as raw as these words and this scripture may sound, this verse when applied to our lives will answer alot of questions for us about things that we once thought were gray areas.
Please, please, please plant this one deep in your heart and let Him bring forth new change and take you to higher places with Him. I promise you won't regret it.
Blessings to all of you today, I love you.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13
ReplyDelete- Brittany
Good morning, RPDOTK Amy! Thank you for our new Godsword challenge. You are right. It is a verse that will not get dusty once committed to our hearts.
ReplyDeleteMy last Godsword by heart:
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Hey, still can’t post but I would like to tell you that I have memorized last week’s Godsword. It is one that I have lived this last year whole heartedly and I will remember this in my heart forever!
ReplyDeleteI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me……Philippians 4:13
You hit me in the gut today with your post…….I guess that I spend a lot of my time in “time out” and you would think I would learn quickly. I guess sometimes our flesh has a lot of power over us, more than I would like to admit. Yet it still amazes me that he still loves me no matter what I do or don’t do!
Your words inspire me and I am so grateful that God has placed you into my life for just such a time as this!!!!