When Brenna was a little tike, she fell in love with Fisher Price Little People. She had several of the sets and played with them for hours on end. McKayla often joined her as the imagined life as Freddie, Sarah Lynn, Sonya Lee, Maggie, Michael, and Farmer Jed.
As she got older, her interest seemed to fade, and the Little People found their way into the attic, and I thought they would never be missed.
Several weeks ago, Brenna asked us to bring them down from the attic so that she could play with these old toys marketed for ages 12 months to 4 years. Needless to say, we didn't rush into the attic to bring them down the first time she asked, but after she had asked us several times and on several different occasions, we figured she really would play with them, so Todd dug them out.
Much to our surprise, both of the girls, now ages 9 and 11 played with them for several hours on more than one day. One evening last week, I was in the kitchen. I could hear the little car honking and the music to the little town playing while they were playing, and I thought to myself - They have outgrown those old toys, but they sure are enjoying some "child's play." Even at their young ages, as they have grown, like the rest of us, life has gotten an little more complicated than in the Little People era, and I think they liked taking a trip back a bit.
Sometimes I think it nurtures our soul and takes us to new heights with God when we return to the simpler times of knowing Him.
Simply reflecting on how enormous He must be.
Simply believing Him without analyzing. Just believing with child like faith.
Looking at simple concepts of God, like the thought of The Almighty, packaging Himself within a tiny babe.
The simple concept of Jesus living a sinless life, when reflected upon, is a concept that, when thought about, can become complicated. Complicated because it's so hard to grasp how He faced every trial we do, yet was without sin. How did He do it?
Simple concepts like His love for me become complicated when I think of my unholiness compared to His complete holiness.
..."the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." Psalms 19:7
I love how reflecting on simple basic things of my faith amazes me all over again. Simple truths that are a foundation to our faith, when revisited become more complicated - in a good way- and are new all over again. He is always there ready to make us wiser when we reflect on the sureness of what we believe in Him. I don't mean that we should permanently camp out on our simple truths and never grow from that place spiritually, but I certainly think it would nurture our souls to revisit those simpler faith times.
It would do us well to drag simpler times from the attic of our minds and play with them for a while just like they were brand new.
What simple thing will He use to make you more wise on this ordinary old Tuesday?

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
PS - Don't forget your verse for Warrior Princess Wednesday!
He has already used your blog and someone elses facebook status to speak directly into my heart today. I suppose blogs and facebooks are ordinary enough, but whenever God uses something to speak to us, it becomes something extraordinary. Thanks, I really needed to hear this today.