We've all experienced it.
Words that cut deep.
Actions that you would have never dreamt.
A wound that made your heart bleed.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Warrior Princess Wednesday
Welcome to Warrior Princess Wednesday! If you have never took part and would like to participate in WPW with the rest of us, we would certainly love for you to join in as we learn more of God's word and hide it in our hearts at Beyond Sunday Morning. To learn more about WPW, click here and here and hopefully your questions will be answered. If not, post a comment or drop me an email and I will try to answer you ASAP.
My Godsword from memory:
My Godsword from memory:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I had this little denim purse when I was a girl. It had a little pouch on the front with a zipper and on that pouch, was my name. My mom had personalized my purse. I LOVED this purse. I mean, come on, my mom put my NAME on it! It didn't get any cooler than that. Just like my girls have done, usually all that was in it was a bunch of pennies, little wads of paper, and other random things that had absolutely no purpose, but - hey, who knows what a young girl's mind is thinking when she's stuffing a purse?

Monday, May 23, 2011
Come Down From That Mountain
None of us necessarily like to go through valleys, trials, or periods of uncertainty, but sometimes we have to experience them. We've all heard people say that if we never experienced the valleys, we would not appreciate the mountaintops, and I agree. But, as I talked to my friend, Jan, a few days ago and learned more about her and where she's from, something she said gave me a whole new take on mountaintops.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sometimes I Must Be Reminded
The destruction brought on by our area's recent flood is now becoming evident to us as the waters recede. As I have driven the recently reopened roads near my home, it is heartbreaking to see so many homes ruined, destroyed.
Belongings strewn for miles.
Dumpsters full of what used to fill homes.
Belongings strewn for miles.
Dumpsters full of what used to fill homes.

Monday, May 16, 2011
What's For Supper?
What’s for Supper? A question that on some days can send this daughter of the King into acting not so “royal”, if you get my drift. I don’t know why, but that question can launch me into orbit quicker than a space shuttle lift off. It seems to me though that the days that question turns my world upside down are the days where I have absolutely NO IDEA what’s for supper, nor do I have the energy to try to figure it out! Whether I feel like figuring it out or not though, there are still 3 other stomachs in my house that love me and depend on me to whip them up something.

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Warrior Princess Info
Just in case you were wanting to participate in Warrior Princess Wednesdays and want to know more about how it works, it's easy. Click Here to read the original post about Warrior Princess Wednesday. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment and I will do my best to answer them. I know that some of you are not able to post comments or verses for different technical reasons, and if that is you, send me an email with your question or your verse and I will add it for you.
I am working on something for WPW and, if it works, you will see it in the sidebar of my blog soon! We'll just say it involves a little friendly competition with spiritual benefits!
Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I am working on something for WPW and, if it works, you will see it in the sidebar of my blog soon! We'll just say it involves a little friendly competition with spiritual benefits!

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King

Friday, May 13, 2011
Who are You, God, that You set the Earth in motion as You do? You command the sun to rise with each new day and rest with each evening.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Warrior Princess Wednesday
Ok, soldiers, where are you? My list of Warrior Princesses is getting smaller each week! Am I going to have to reinstate the draft?
Ehhhemm! Yes, it's you sweet sister I am clearing my throat at - all in love of course - God's Word must become our life line.
In order to "rally the troops", we're going to memorize a Godsword this week that most of you have heard, but maybe you haven't ever learned the address. As usual, though, this verse has a story that I can relate to my children. God continually teaches me things through my experiences with them.
Ehhhemm! Yes, it's you sweet sister I am clearing my throat at - all in love of course - God's Word must become our life line.
In order to "rally the troops", we're going to memorize a Godsword this week that most of you have heard, but maybe you haven't ever learned the address. As usual, though, this verse has a story that I can relate to my children. God continually teaches me things through my experiences with them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Simpler Times
Sometimes I think it does us good to go back to simpler times. Oh sure, the Little House On the Prairie days were simpler times, but I'm talking about simpler times in our lives.
When Brenna was a little tike, she fell in love with Fisher Price Little People. She had several of the sets and played with them for hours on end. McKayla often joined her as the imagined life as Freddie, Sarah Lynn, Sonya Lee, Maggie, Michael, and Farmer Jed.
When Brenna was a little tike, she fell in love with Fisher Price Little People. She had several of the sets and played with them for hours on end. McKayla often joined her as the imagined life as Freddie, Sarah Lynn, Sonya Lee, Maggie, Michael, and Farmer Jed.

Friday, May 6, 2011
This week as the floodwaters rose around my sister’s home, there was not only floodwater, but also a flood of cars stopping. People stopped and stared while taking in the sight of the water making its way into peoples’ lives uninvited.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Time to "Do" Something
A few days ago as the waters rose, I went to help my sister sandbag her house. When received the call to take action, it felt like a race against time. There was an urgency within each of us to "do" something to protect her and her family's home from the water seeping in.

Monday, May 2, 2011
Two questions Todd and I heard often from our little McKayla when she was a toddler. I can still her her sweet little jumbled voice in my mind. To be honest, we tried to avoid situations that would cause her to ask her version of “who’s that?” and “what’s that?” because once she started, there was no quieting her questions.
Two questions Todd and I heard often from our little McKayla when she was a toddler. I can still her her sweet little jumbled voice in my mind. To be honest, we tried to avoid situations that would cause her to ask her version of “who’s that?” and “what’s that?” because once she started, there was no quieting her questions.

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