I experienced Philippians 4:6-7.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I will not lie to you, there were moments in preparation for Friday night where I was nervous, I was anxious, and as I told the ladies to whom I spoke, I felt very inadequate to stand before them. I took those anxieties to Him several times in the days leading up to Friday, and each time I did, His peace came over me. I was nervous as I sat in the sanctuary waiting for the rally to begin, but when I stepped onto the platform, something happened and it surpassed comprehension. I still can’t wrap my mind around it.
My God is so good to me, He is good beyond measure and I do not doubt for one second that He was my hands, my feet and my voice, because left to myself, it would have been nothing. Being the emotional open book that I am, I would have never made it through the first sentence without blubbering so terribly that no one could have understood my words.
This past week, actually, this occurred on “Testify Tuesday”, I received a delivery at work. I have been so excited to tell you all about it. Knowing that the rally was only a few days away, the message was constantly in the back of my mind. I wanted so badly to find some extra pockets of time to review, to go over, and “practice”, but those pockets of time were few and far between. You know what? He knew that would be the case before the days of last week unfolded. On Tuesday, a beautiful floral arrangement was delivered to me at work. This was the most beautiful arrangement of flowers I have ever received. It contained red roses, pink roses, gorgeous white lilies, and many other flowers. As my co-workers gathered around, like we girls do, I opened the card and here is what I read:
Be Blessed.
Philippians 4:19
Philippians 4:19 says this:
And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Needless to say, I got goose bumps, and of course, I bawled like a baby.
He knew that my days and evenings would be too crowded with homework and mommy stuff to commit the amount of time I thought it would need. He knew that I had need of Him for Friday night. And He supplied richly. Not only did I experience His peace beyond comprehension as Philippians 4:7 describes, but I also experienced Him supplying my needs according to His richness. He was enough.
I am awestruck at His hand.
Know what?
That hand reaches out for you too. He doesn’t love me anymore than He loves you.
He wants to boggle your mind.
That’s a neat place to be.
Father, my Supplier, my Peace, be those very things to the people whose eyes fall upon these words. Boggle their minds, God, with much of you. May they be unable to wrap their minds around the peace that You fill them with as they face many things. Some of the things my friends face are very difficult, some are life altering things, but as large as they seem to us, they are not large to You. I pray for a supernatural trust to well up within us toward You. A reliance upon You like never before, so that You can be the Peace that surpasses comprehension, at the same time You are supplying their needs through your richness. Praise be to God.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
"He wants to boggle your mind.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a neat place to be."
:) Love it. Love you.
I saw Pastor John and Carla at lunch after church on Sunday. I asked them about the possibility of getting to hear what the Lord spoke through you on Friday night. They said that would not be a problem, that a video was made. I am so thankful that I will get to share. It is not like being there, but I will be blessed nonetheless!!!