Yes, that happened to me.
I woke up that Saturday morning a few weeks ago with images of this perfect Baby Jesus figurine in this gold majestic, royal looking manger bed, nothing like the real one. He was just glowing on that shelf; I could almost hear the angels singing. It looked more like what He should have been able to have slept in as a tiny babe - but, well, God didn’t ask me, and I have learned that His way is best. The baby was almost life sized perched upon a soft silky white pillow that was encased within a golden metallic bed sparkling in the light. In my dream, it was one of those items that you see when you first walk into a store and go directly to it, you’re drawn to it and you know the search of perfect item is over. In my dream I had been shopping for something to give away the Christmas party at work, and this was the gift to end all gifts.
I rushed to it, quickly but carefully moving the breakable items around it so that I could pick it up and peek at the price. I positioned everything out of harms way and began to reach for the Christmas Gem just as the sales clerk approached and started talking to me. Slowing my movements, I turned to give her my attention and as my hands finally reached the Babe………….
I woke up.
UHH! I tried to go back to dreamland, but to no avail. It was already daylight, and I could already hear the Saturday morning cartoons playing in the living room.
I would never see that perfectly beautiful Baby Jesus again.
I would never know how much it cost.
Just like I will never know how much dying on that cross really cost my Savior.
He didn’t come to us in a gold covered majestic manger like the one in my dream, and He sure didn’t have a soft fluffy pillow to lay His head on, but He did have a price tag attached to Him, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot comprehend the price tag attached to Him.
I am forever thankful.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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