Thursday, October 14, 2010

Man's Best Friend

A few days ago, I sat on our couch with our little dog next to me. She took in every sound and movement in the room. She perked her ears and raised her head at McKayla walking by. McKayla stopped to pet her for a moment and then began to walk away from her. As McKayla walked away she asked, “I wonder what it’s like to be a dog?”

My answer to her question was, “Probably not very fun.”

“Why?” she asked inquisitively.

“I think it would be very lonely to be a dog. It wouldn’t be fun to sit around all day just waiting for someone to pay attention to you. Waiting for someone to acknowledge you were there, much less take the time to pet you. It’s not like they can have a conversation with you and tell you they need some attention.”

“Yeah. I never thought about that.” she agreed as she came back over and gave Marlie a little more attention.

What’s great about a dog is that despite the lack of attention, like of time spent, lack of interaction, they are still so eager to love back. Marlie never holds it against us when we’ve been too busy to play with her, too busy to give her a bath, to busy to simply pet her. She continues to enjoy the time she does get and is always eager for our eyes to turn her way. It’s as if those little moments spent with her completely erase all of the hours she has spent laying around waiting for one of us to call out her name. BUT- when we call her name – she comes running like she has existed all day just for that moment. As the old saying goes, a dog is a man’s best friend.

This may be a simplistic way of thinking, but to me, God has some of the same character qualities. Loyalty. Love. He is often ignored by me, taken advantage of by me thinking there will always be tomorrow. He is patient when it has been days since I have called out His name, but when I do—it’s a glorious thing. He doesn’t resent my time away from Him, He enjoys the moments I give to Him and takes advantage of them to the fullest. Loving me, teaching me, bringing joy to my heart.

Even though I ignore Him sometimes, these words till hold true:

And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20

Did you notice those words – be sure of this.

Be sure of what?

I am with you.



My friends, that is loyalty. I love those words.

People may say that dog is man’s best friend, but I believe I have found a friend that is better than that.

His name is Jesus.

Dear Jesus, I call upon your matchless name. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. There’s just something about that name. Thank you for the pureness of your character. Thank you for your never failing love, for your mercy that is brand new for me every day. Thank you that you don’t hold grudges. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for sitting at my Father’s right hand, talking to Him about me at this very moment. Words cannot describe who You are and who You will be if I would but let you. Please forgive my laziness and my days of taking advantage of my relationship with You. You deserve so much more. Teach me to give You more. Reveal to me exactly what it is that You want me to give You from within myself. May I hold nothing back from your possession. I know that no matter what I hold inside, it would be so much more effective for your kingdom if it were in your hands and not in mine. I love how You do what it is You do inside of my spirit when I am with You. I am so overcome at the stirring I feel inside right now. I recognize that stirring as the voice of Your Spirit within me. I want that Spirit to live and move and breathe through me all the days of my life, even to the end of the age. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus, my soon coming King, I love you.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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