This picture was taken many years ago, I am guessing it was the summer of 1978 as we “helped” Daddy work on his go kart. I am holding a wrench of some sort and my sister, April, is holding a screwdriver. (I’m sure she won’t forgive me or Momma for her attire plastered all over the internet!)
I can’t remember a time when Daddy wasn’t trying to teach me all about tools. I probably could have listed every tool in any kid’s dad’s toolbox in my whole kindergarten class, and if it were a race to do so, I would have won. He took great pride in knowing that his little girl could find her way around a toolbox. If Daddy sent you after a ½ in socket and ratchet, you had better not come back with a Phillips screwdriver if you knew what was good for you.
As I grew older, my “education” in tools faired handy many times. We forever had the lawnmower with a problem, I could repair minor bike problems myself, I could even start my dad’s old pick up. This was a ritual that not just anyone could do. Starting this truck required attaching a set of vice grips to the ignition switch just right, turning the key, and holding the shifter in place, all while you pumped the gas pedal just the right number of times, no more, no less. There were many occasions where his work crew watched in amazement as a little girl started a truck that they had already tinkered with for twenty minutes.
Don’t think I didn’t hop out of that driver’s seat with just a smidge of pride!
When I got my own car, I had to have a lesson in changing the oil. He would not allow me to get my license until I had crawled under the car and actually changed the oil myself. He didn’t have to worry about my knowing how to operate a set of jumper cables, he taught that lesson several years prior on the lawnmower, so I got to skip that part.
Although I am married now and my husband takes care of those types of problems and maintenance for me, most of what I learned is still tucked away in the wrinkles of my brain. I am grateful to have been taught what to do incase I have to handle something on my own, which I think was Dad’s plan all along.
Our Heavenly Father begins teaching us about His tools as soon as we will let Him. There is a toolbox full of things to learn about in His word, and I believe He is happy to see His daughter get her hands greasy. Once I see how a tool from His Word actually functions and works in application to life, I can tuck it inside to pull out when the need to use it arises. Different situations call for different tools and I want to be sure to know about as many as I can so that I can be prepared for life at each turn.
Ephesians 6, starting in verse 10 is a great "starter set" to learn and use in everyday life, you can build on your collection from there! Just remember, if you need a ½ in socket, a Phillips screwdriver won’t get the job done.
Father, I thank you for the tools You provide us that are still relevant today. I thank you for my Daddy who taught me what he did and for how You taught me through this memory of his tool box. I will never see a set of hands with grease in the fingernails and not think of him. God I pray that my hands would get greasy in the toolbox of your word, that my spirit would become stained from over exposure to your truth. I thank You for being a God who is ready to teach me in every moment, you simply wait for my willingness to learn.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I love it when you post pictures with your devotions. It just really brings your story even more to life... if that is even possible. Thanks for sharing your treasure box of memories!