I may really like something, love something, want something, but I’m just not willing to pay the asking price. If it costs too much, I walk away.
Regrettably, that’s how I handle my life sometimes too. I read His word, meditate on His power, and I say I want my life to line up with what He has impressed upon me, but when it comes to making a change in my life, I back up a little. If it costs too much I walk away.
Often I watch other, more mature believers and say I want to be like them. Their lives seem so abundant and I want my life to reflect God they way theirs does. I’m sure most of you have looked in awe upon the kindess and wisdom of Mother Theresa and thought If I could just be more like she was. Maybe you’ve been in a Beth Moore Bible Study and, as you watched her teaching, you thought to yourself If I just had what she’s got. I know I have thought those things. The reality is, the same abundant life is available to me, it's not just for Beth Moore or Mother Theresa.
But there’s a problem.
I’m not always willing to pay the asking price.
I say I want to be more like someone further along in the faith. I say I want more of His power in my life. I say I want to love Him more. I say I want to know more of His word.
Then I look at the price tag.
Sadly, many times I put it back on the shelf because the price honestly, is more than I want to pay at that moment. It looks good, but it might cost me something.
Is that what we do? We know what He offers is worth it. It looks good. We know it’s possible for us, but when the rubber meets the road, we aren’t willing to pay what it takes to get it. I might have to make a choice between something I enjoy and following Him. I might have to take a deeper look on the inside, and I might not like what I see. My friends might think I’ve “let this Jesus stuff go to my head”. The price is a little steep, do I walk away? I think to myself, I know it’s what I really want. Or is it?
How ‘bout you? Can you identify with me?

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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