Fifteen years ago today I became a bride for the second time. I became a bride for the second time in the same little church as I did the first time. What I mean by that is today is my fifteenth wedding anniversary to my husband and best friend Todd, but long before that special day fifteen years ago, I became a bride for the first time in that same little church.
I had struggled for many Sundays, knuckles white on the pew in front of me, feeling like I would pass out if they didn’t hurry up and finish the invitation. I don’t really remember quite how I approached the subject, but somehow between Sundays, I voiced to my mom the feelings I was having during church. Mom called our pastor and she and Dad took me to meet with him in this little church.
As I sat on the very front row, nervous, my pastor squatted down in front of me and my parents sat down on either side, I answered many questions about Jesus, salvation, and then prayed to accept Him as my Savior.
In that very moment at the tender age of 12, I became a bride for the first time. I was now the bride of Christ, although I had no grasp of the concept at the time. I just knew that I wanted the war inside of me to stop and that I wanted Jesus. I also knew He was the only way I would ever make it through another invitational hymn in that little church! Little did I know, it was the beginning of something much greater. It was the beginning of a relationship that has grown stronger and sweeter with each passing day.
Although I no longer attend that church, instead serve alongside my husband as he pastors now, my home church has and will always have a very sweet place in my heart.
I met both of my grooms at that altar.
And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls containing the seven last plagues came and said to me,
“Come with me! I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”
Revelation 21:9
If you are the bride of Christ, not only is He proud to call you His own, even the angels are excited to introduce you as the wife of the Lamb. Did you catch the angel’s excitement in that verse? He said, “Come with me!” (exclamation point!!!!)
Oh how I hope you know how much you are loved by your Heavenly Bridegroom, even more I pray that you have met your Bridegroom and are looking forward to the day of the wedding feast when you walk through the door arm in arm with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!
I would love for you to share with us about the day you met your Heavenly Groom. Bless someone else with your story by posting a comment to share with us, I hope you are as proud of Him as He is of you.
My Groom, I bring my friends to You on this day asking You to show them something special today to remind them of how much You love them and how proud You are to show them off as Your bride. Your love is amazing, it is peace, it is hope, it is a firm foundation, it is life. I pray that each of them would allow your love to be their very life, their very breath.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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