Brittany Hicks
Amy Dotson
Mitzi Mason
Carla Offutt
Stacey Bridges
I’m sure I will hear from more of you today. There are still several of you out there who have told me you are memorizing, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I appreciate your participation in this with me, it encourages me so much.
Here's our new Godsword for this week:
Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit. Psalms 51:12Did you know that the Word can be prayers offered to God? I need this verse as a prayer throughout my day. I really want to please Him with my life, but as most of you know, sometimes it’s just not easy. Temptations come and the next thing you know, you're right back where you started. I know what God's best is, however, many times my spirit is just not willing. When my spirit isn't willing, there is no joy. He can sustain us with a willing spirit and He can restore us with joy that comes straight from knowing we are saved and belong to Him. I want a willingness to obey Him. Not just obedience because I'm supposed to obey, but a willingness to obey Him that is produced from the joy of being His.
Hope you enjoy this verse and can use it when you're up against temptation. One place I can use it is when tempted to eat a dozen cookies and know I shouldn't! That, my friends, is one place where I need a willing spirit!
Love you gals!
Your fellow Xena Princess,

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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