I consider my connection with my readers a friendship, and friendship is very dear to me, God just made me that way. Friendship is truly a gift and to know it is such a joy. Here's a quote from Muhammad Ali about friendship, that I think is great. (My Daddy would be so proud - he's a boxing fan)
So - consider yourself "friended" today and accept this post as my valentine to all of you.“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.”
My Daddy loves me very much, but has never been the overly gooshy type. However, he always got it right on Valentine's Day. As I grew up, and even as an adult, he has always shown his love on Valentine's Day with chocolates or a flower or something and, because gooshiness is not typical for him, it has always spoken volumes to me. I know Daddy loves me.
There's another Daddy whose love is magnificent and He leaves me special valentines all of the time. I love to get valentines from Him. But - today I have a VERY SPECIAL VALENTINE that is meant for just you. No one else - you. Let Him whisper to your heart and wrap His arms of love around you today as you think about this love note that He has written to you:
My Daughter,
I have loved you with an everlasting love. Isaiah 31:3
Your Abba Father
An eternal valentine - how about that?! You my sister are loved beyond your comprehension.
I have a little project for you today as you read - This verse was a valentine to you, I want you to find another example of His love for you and post those valentines so that we all can bask in the deep deep love He lavishes on us everyday, not just on Valentine's Day.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
Imagine those little boxes of candy hearts that we all love to look through to see what they say. I personally think they taste horrible, but love to see what all they say. Now imagine God sent you a box and you dig down into it and pull out a little candy heart that says "You Are Mine". Now read Isaiah 43:1. ".....Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; YOU ARE MINE."
ReplyDeleteHave a Happy Valentine's Day! - Brittany
On Valentines Day we always think of hearts. In Psalms 73 a portion of verse 26 reads "God is the strength of my heart." Happy Valentines Day everyone and lets strive to keep God centered in our hearts and our lives each day. Have a wonderful day and tell everyone you can "God loves you and so do I." Dixie
ReplyDeletePsalms 139. I've read it, we've done a study on it, I adore it. I read it alot. Its like an ooshy gooshy valentine card to me. He knows my thoughts, even when I cant say a word. And I LOVE knowing how much Im on Gods mind... more than the sands on the beaches AND in the sea...He Hems me in, and surrounds me. I cant comprehend it. *sigh* I get that butterflies in the stomach, fluttery in the heart feeling when I process this. The "groaning" that comes from my spirit during these times (Rom 8) the Holy Spirit must intercede for are because of overwhelmed, and lack of vocabulary to express my joy and awe.
ReplyDeleteGirls, I love these valentines. Keep them coming. My heart overflows.
ReplyDeleteI picked some Holy Valentines in 1 John 3 that spoke to my spirit in such a marvelous and surprising way. My KLOVE one word for this year is 'less'. More of Him, less of me... in my daily decisions, my actions, my words, my relationships, my downtime, my planning, everything.
ReplyDeleteMy love note from God in 1 John 3 spoke to my focus for today... taking it off of me, my spouse and even my family, extending it to those around me who may be wounded, lonely, or hurting on a day that celebrates love, both in small ways and even in showy and gaudy ways.
My heart literally sings when I read who I am:
1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
My heart feels called to action when I read how we are to emulate Christ's example of His love:
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Love in action. That is my goal today. We may have a Valentine's Day edition of "ding-dong ditching" tonight! ( :
Oh and from memory (although I had a big head start on this one as it was a memory verse set to music from my First Place days)...
ReplyDelete"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit." Ps 51:12