After great trials and suffering in his life, Joseph, by God’s provision, found himself second in command only to Pharaoh in Egypt. This Pharaoh trusted Joseph with everything because he knew that Joseph was filled with the Spirit of God, and because of that Spirit, he knew Joseph was very wise. Several years after Joseph was given his authority, a terrible famine began in Egypt, and Joseph had warned them that the famine would come after interpreting one of Pharaoh’s dreams.
In fact, here’s what Joseph told Pharaoh in Genesis 31:41,
“This famine will be so severe that even the memory of the good years will be erased.”
Joseph was right, the famine was severe. It lasted seven years.
Sometimes we go through spiritual famines, and sometimes they are longer than we would like, sometimes very long. It isn’t a famine in the sense that there isn’t enough God to go around, it’s just it seems like the days are long and weary and we see no hope of change in sight.
One interesting thing about this story is that the people enjoyed years of great prosperity before the famine began, yet they were warned that the famine would be so severe that the good memories would be erased. In the midst of spiritual famine, sometimes it is very difficult to bring to remembrance our memory of the good things we have shared with God.
Sometimes it gets so hard we may begin to doubt His ability.
Sometimes it gets so hard we may begin to doubt His presence.
Sadly, for some it gets so hard they begin to doubt His existence.
All because we forget the good years.
I challenge you, don’t let the good memories with God be erased as they were in this famine. Write down times of God’s blessings, times of His provision, and times that you know that He has spoken so that you don’t forget the times of spiritual prosperity. There will be times along the way that you need to jog your memory.
Living this life is hard and sometimes it can be very lonely, especially in a famine. Someone once told me, “The closer you follow to Jesus, the smaller the crowd around you gets.” It helps to have a place to go to be reminded of how personal He has been with you when you’re alone in the midst of a famine.
It helps, I know from personal experience.
Oh, my Precious Father, come and minister to your people today. Soothe the ache within their souls. Remove the loneliness and despair and replace it with your strength, love, and power. Sharpen our memories in regards to the workings of Your hands and the displays of your love. God when You are what I feast upon, there will be no famine. Help me, help me, help me roll all of the hard stuff over so that I can see You. That's all I really want is You. Not the praise of man, You God. That is all that matters.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
“The closer you follow to Jesus, the smaller the crowd around you gets.” - WOW, so true!