Were they thinking, as I often do, about just making it through today?
Were they thinking of the rest of the days activities and what must be accomplished once they leave this building later today? Ball practice, band practice, tutoring, something for dinner, a couple of loads of laundry, homework, church, AWANAS, answering emails, returning telephone calls, etc, etc, etc.
And then I thought to myself :
Do they ever wonder why we do these same things every day?
Do they wonder why we are here?
Do they get bored with the cycle of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. ? Nothing really changing except for the seasons, which themselves repeat too.
Do they ever wonder why we do this over and over and over? Do they think beyond the day at hand looking for the purpose of living in it?
My question for you is - Why ARE we here? Why do we keep repeating Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc?
I know the “Christian” answer. Most of you are thinking what we have always been taught, “We are here to glorify God.” And we are.
But more specifically, more personally, I am here to make a difference. So are you.
Jesus made a difference.
Contrary to the way I often live, I am not here to just merely survive to the end of the day, falling into bed totally exhausted. I am sad to say, often exhausted from running through a day totally void of eternal meaning. Useless Exhaustion. Exhaustion that accomplished nothing for the Kingdom.
I am here to make a difference. I am here so that He can make a difference.
As long as there is new life being birthed into this world, I have a purpose. You have a purpose.
That purpose? To make a difference in someone’s life. To move someone’s day from the “blah” level to the glimmer of hope level.
I can do that. You can do that.
Think of some ways you can make a difference in the every day and post your ideas for us to read. It would be wonderful to have a toolbox full of ideas on hand ready to bless someone else in our experiences “Beyond Sunday Morning”.
God, I have a purpose. You are my purpose. Others experiencing You is my purpose. It is not enough to simply survive through each day, retreating into my home at the end of it, shutting the rest of the world out like they don’t exist. Surviving in relation to this subject is not really a positive word is it? You want us to thrive, not just survive. Thrive on the life and vitality that You bring into us. We have such a gift to give, such hope to share, such a difference to make, even if only to just one. Father, don’t just show me, knock me down with opportunities to make a real difference in the lives of those around me. Then YOU WILL BE GLORIFIED. Survival is not enough. Surviving leaves me with nothing left to give the ones I meet. I need to THRIVE, so that I have extra hope to share with the hearts void of Hope itself. I don’t want this to be a prayer that ends at the end of this post, Holy Spirit, bring it to the forefront of my thoughts, readily upon my mind and heart. Use me, Jesus, to accomplish your will.

I love this post. I think sometimes a smile and a kind word goes a long way. If we are truly spending time with God, He will lead us and guide us through our hectic day and more importantly help us to make a difference. We just need to be open to hear Him when He speaks!