I’m sure that God didn’t necessarily plan a baby shower when He planned your arrival on this earth, but I know that He did plan. He planned so many details about you that He took notes!
Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Thy book they were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
Psalms 139:16
My dear friends, He planned so many details about you and your days that He wrote them down. The words “my” and “me” in this scripture are ok for take to use personally, He means you, put your name there. I researched what the meaning of the word “book” is in this context and it means just that – a BOOK! Not a sticky note, not a reminder card, not a one page baby announcement, A BOOK! A book has many pages. Someone writes a book when they have a lot to say about something, someone, or if the author has a story to tell.
My sweet sisters, YOU are a character in the book He has written! He has A LOT to say about you and He wants you to live “happily every after”. The choice for the ending of the story is up to you. Will you ride off into the sunset with the One who will one day ride in on the white horse (Revelation 19:11), having conquered death, hell, and the grave to rescue you? A lady always likes to know she’s been fought for and fight for you He did. What a story!

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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