Often being a homebody is not thought of in a positive light by others, it may seem as if a homebody doesn’t enjoy the company of others, maybe even anti-social. Speaking from experience, I can say it’s not that at all, I love to be with other people, but I love my family more. Us homebodies just need some down time to recharge and refresh ourselves so that we can recollect our thoughts and process what is going on in our lives. We like a chance to just “be” with those closest to us. We enjoy sitting around the dinner table allowing our family time to share their hearts with each other. Although I desire, like other homebodies, to be physically at home, there is a difference in being physically at home and my heart being at home. My heart is not truly “at home” when I’m going about my daily routine. It longs for something more. Folding laundry, cooking dinner, or picking up the house, all those things you do at home - leave my heart empty.
James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you….” He invited me to come to sit with Him and when I agreed, He drew nearer. The only place where my heart is completely “at home” is when placed in the lap of my Savior. When life has demanded so much of me that I haven’t been “home” much, my heart, much the same as our house, gets a little messy and out of order.
As children, my siblings and I played outside with the other neighborhood kids, Momma would step outside and shout “It’s time to come home!” and we would come running. I can just imagine my Lord stepping out on the front porch, cupping His hands around His mouth to say “Amy – It’s time to come home!”, then watching to see if I come home. I pray that my heart would always be willing to RUN home when He calls. It reminds me of the old hymn, Softly and Tenderly.
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me,
See on the portals He’s watching and waiting.
Watching for you and for me.
Come Home, Come Home,
Ye who are weary come home.
Earnestly, Tenderly, Jesus is calling.
Calling O sinner, Come Home
I decided after my time with Him yesterday, that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a “homebody”! At home is a wonderful place for my heart to be.
Almighty Creator who draws us near, I pray that our ears would be attentive to your voice when You call our hearts home. I pray that our feet would be quick to run straight to You, climbing up into your lap eager to hear what You have to say, for your words give life. Although our physical ears can sometimes be dull, I ask that the ears of our hearts have the ability to discern the keenest of sounds and know your call better than any other that beckons us. Oh God, I can’t begin to thank you enough for always having time to spend with me, always inviting me into your presence. I can hear the tune –
Oh Draw Me Lord,
Oh Draw Me Lord,
Oh Draw Me Lord,
And I’ll run after You

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