“Hi. Momma!” (with excitement)
And I can still detect just a hint of the toddler that used to be. Brenna always greets in the same sweet tone and with her own little way of saying
“Hi Mommy.” (very soft and expectant)
It makes my heart smile ear to ear to hear the love they have for me in their voices. Those voices are precious to me, and no matter how old and grown-up they get, I know as a parent, that I will always cherish their voices when they call me Momma.
I know Someone else who cherishes His children’s voices. He makes record of what we tell Him and even keeps it collected in Heaven and it gives off a sweet fragrance to Him. Just like I notice that one has always called me "Momma" and the other has always called me "Mommy", He notices the smallest details about you that make you different from His other children.
Revelation 5:8 says “And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
It seems to me that He must love to hear us speak to Him if He keeps what we have prayed in bowls, but not just any bowls, golden bowls. If Heaven had “good dishes”, you know – the ones we only use on special occasions – I believe that golden bowls are a notch above His fine china!
Not only are they in bowls, they serve as incense before Him. Now, I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t have my smelly candles just sitting around to collect dust! I have them because I love to scents they fill the room with, I enjoy burning them in my house. God loves the scent of your voice spoken to Him. (I’ll never see my Scentsy burner the same! Some of you know what I’m talking about!)
It makes me almost giddy about Him to know He values my prayers to Him so much. I am so thankful that He cherishes my voice even more than I can cherish the voice of each of my daughters.
Father, I offer up these verses from your Word to you:
I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore, I shall call upon Him as long as I live
Psalms 116:1-3
I can’t begin to express my thanks for Your ears that love to hear me. Not only do You hear, but you “incline” your ear to me. You lean in close to hear me so that you don’t miss a detail of what I have to say to You. God – oh God – may the prayers I lift to You bring forth a sweet and new fragrance to You today that I might bring You joy to Your house this day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so good at loving me, I thank you that no one else’s love could ever compare to Yours for fear that I would bore of it. Your love is always exciting and new to me and I look forward to my love for You growing deeper with each passing moment. I WILL call upon you as long as I live.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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