“I AM”, I wondered for a long time what God could possibly have meant when He gave Moses that answer. It seemed like a strange statement that was abruptly cut short of its ending. Upon thinking about what it could possibly mean, I realized something that answered my question. He called Himself “I AM” so that what ever need I had, it would allow Him to be the exact answer to that need. His statement wasn’t cut short at all, He left it exactly the way it should have been. He answered it that way so that He could fill in the blank as each and every need of His children arose. Had He ended it with anything other than “AM”, He would have been limited in what He could be for us.
When I need peace, He is peace.
When I need rest, He is rest.
When I need a friend, He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
When I need love, He is love.
When I need comfort, He is the Comforter.
When I need wisdom, He is wisdom.
When it is dark, He is my light.
When I am nervous, He calms me.
When I am hungry, He feeds me.
When I need someone to listen, He bends His ear.
When I am in need – He is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides.
Anything I have ever needed HE WAS, that list could have been endless. If it is a true need, He is willing to meet that need and become the answer to it.
The Provider – The I AM.
Think about it for a minute. What have you ever really “needed” that He wasn’t the answer to? There is no beginning or end to His provision. Tell us how He has been the I AM to you this week.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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