I remember being at my grandparents’ house one weekend afternoon. My parents were inside with Granddaddy and Nanny, and I was out on the carport. As I busied myself, I stumbled upon something GRAND! My cousin, Brian, who was the same age as me, had just had a birthday and he got a new black and green Incredible Hulk bicycle, complete with training wheels and better still ---- he had left it at my grandparents’ house! I was in heaven. I rode it for what seemed like forever and when it got time to leave, I wanted to take my new treasure home with me. My cousin and I were pretty thick, so I just KNEW he wouldn’t care, after all it was a huge upgrade from my tricycle. Mom and Dad did not share that same opinion and insisted I leave the bicycle behind. I was crushed. I begged and pleaded to no avail and went home empty handed. Once we got home, I went about my business, doing who knows what, but I soon noticed that Daddy was gone. I asked Momma where he went and all she would say was he had to go to town. Even at that age I should have known something was up, because Daddy didn’t make a habit of going to town.
It seemed like hours later when he arrived back home because it had gotten dark out. He pulled into the driveway and then yelled for me to come outside. Totally oblivious, I went outside to discover my own treasure. A brand new hot pink bike! It had training wheels, a banana seat, streamers on the handlebars, and something my cousin’s bike did not have – a basket on the front! How would he ever carry his baby dolls around? I can still remember being so happy that I thought I would burst! It was a true feeling of joy.
Let’s fast forward about 30 years or so. I was having one of “those days” yesterday, feeling just a little blue and discouraged, much like the day I had to leave my cousin’s bike behind. I whispered words to Heaven mid-morning asking God to give me what I needed to make it through the day. I did make it through morning and headed out for my lunch break without a second thought to the prayer I had whispered. God hadn’t forgotten. When I arrived at the restaurant, my sister was coming out the door as I was going in and it made me happy just to see her and her pregnant belly. It lifted my spirits. She went on back to work and my friends and I sat down to eat our lunch. Just a few minutes into our juicy burgers, my friend, Cathy, was looking out the window and said, “Is that your mom?” Sure that she was wrong, I turned to look out the window. Surprised, I said “Yes! And those are my kids!” I jumped up and hurried out to meet them, and just seeing them unexpectedly almost made me cry! I was able to enjoy a few minutes on my lunch break with not only my kids, but my mom, and my nieces and nephew. I felt true joy inside, just like the day I got my new bike. One gift was from my earthly father and the other from my Heavenly Father. None of us shared with the other where we were eating lunch, but God knew. He remembered my prayer and gave me that gift yesterday to encourage me and remind me that He hears me when I call!
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father, who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”
Matthew 7:11
I call things like that kisses from Heaven. What kisses has He sent you from Heaven lately? I would love for you to share them with us in a comment below.
Blessings to you today.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
Wow! Kisses from heaven indeed! You wouldn't know this of course, but yesterday the kids and I went to McDonalds, pulled into the lot and parked. As I started to get out of the van I said "Let's go somewhere else" I didn't have a clue where somewhere else was and none of the kids made a suggestion, but now I know God had a plan. You are a kiss from Heaven! Love, Mom