Tuesday, June 29, 2010


As I’ve told you before, I’m not a morning person and, I confess, I love my snooze button. It’s a love affair that has gone on for years. I used to try to fight it and do things like move my alarm clock to the other side of the room so I would have to actually get out of bed to turn off the alarm. Sad thing is, it didn’t bother me a bit to press that snooze button and hop right back into bed, cover up, and close my eyes as if I had never been interrupted. I even had an alarm clock once where you can adjust the time allotted to snooze, and you can bet your bottom dollar, I set it to the maximum allowed time for each snooze session! My alarm clock currently is a weather radio beside my bed. When I first got it, I thought maybe I won’t push snooze so much. The buttons on it are all similar in size and very close together, so I didn’t think I would be able to push the right button unless I actually woke up enough to comprehend which button was which. It’s amazing how quickly I learned to feel my way around, never opening my eyes. There’s no fooling this semi-comatose chic when it comes to getting a few more winks early in the morning.

And the sleep you get in between those alarms, oh—it’s delightful! That is, until I get up and realize I feel just as tired as I did when the alarm went off the first time. Now I have the added stress of not having that extra cushion of time to accomplish everything I need to. When the alarm goes off, I know eventually I’m going to HAVE to get up, but I want to avoid it as long as I possibly can.

Isaiah 55:6 Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.

My friend, I want you to know Me. I’ll get serious about it later. SNOOZE.

Life gets a little tense - My child, I can help you with that. SNOOZE. I’ll manage.

It’s been a hectic weekend, Sunday arrives, and you just need to chill. The invitation to My house is always open. I went last weekSNOOZE.

Open My Word, I want to teach you. SNOOZE. It’s too confusing.

Money’s tight and you can’t seem to make ends meet. Turn it over to Me, I own the cattle on a thousand hills. Sounds nice, but let’s be realistic. SNOOZE.

I died for you. SNOOZE.

Why do you turn to that relationship, that thing, that habit, that drink, that drug? Only I can fill you. SNOOZE.

Please introduce your children to Me. SNOOZEmaybe when things slow down. I want to give them the opportunities I never had.

It’s the diagnosis you feared – Give it to Me, I’m the Great Physician. SNOOZE – I know what the doctor said, it can’t be fixed.

I want to take my relationship with you deeper. Maybe after school starts, I can get my quiet time back. SNOOZE.

This isn’t what you promised me on Sunday. I can’t help it. I’ll do better next time. SNOOZE.

I miss you praying to me. SNOOZE.

I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture. The moments between the alarms of His voice are never as enjoyable as we think they’re going to be when we press snooze, are they?

Why do we waste so much time spiritually snoozing? Is it because we don’t want to do what “we ought to do”? James 4:17 says that’s sin. (ouch!) I think sometimes we “press snooze” because we’re afraid acting on what He has asked will cost us too much. Sometimes maybe it’s because what He says doesn’t seem logical and it would require faith. Every example of snoozing that I listed above is a lie that we have been deceived into believing is truth. I challenge you, if you don’t know Him, seek Him while He is near. The next time you hear His voice as an alarm in your spirit, rise up. Don’t press snooze, tomorrow may be too late.

If you already know Him and He’s sounding His alarm showing you where change needs to occur, trust Him. Let’s wake up! Pressing snooze never relieves the burden and always increases the tension. The cost is so small compared to the great reward of sweet fellowship with Him, knowing you have followed His will.

Father I pray for a great awakening to occur among Your people. I pray that we would rest and revive ourselves in You alone so that we aren’t tempted to press snooze and ignore You for one more second. I know with everything in me that one second spent outside of fellowship with you is a second lost forever, but the seconds spent with you have eternal significance. I pray that I would not be caught snoozing at the return of Your Son, but that I would greet His return with eyes wide open.

Amy Dotson, RPDOTK (Royal Princess Daughter Of The King)
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