We've been glued to the weather, listening for river levels, hearing tornado warnings, choosing alternate routes to our destinations, and so on all week and I know that many of you are weary of the burden of it all. Our city has installed floodgates to keep the water out and many have filled and stacked multitudes of sandbags in an effort to protect homes and businesses from devastation.
It's a bit gloom and doom -
So - let's look at all of this from a different perspective for just a bit today...
God has this flooding abundance of love for you.
God has this flooding abundance of grace for you.
God has this flooding abundance of mercy for you.
God has this flooding abundance of hope for you.
His goodness is pressing in, creeping closer and closer, but we, in our humanness, with our efforts to "do better" and "be better" or because we don't "deserve" what He wants to give us put up flood gates, build sand bag levees without even realizing it. It just seems too good to be true, so we reinforce the weak places, especially those where we see leaking. We just can't accept how vast and how pure it is.
My sisters, there is a flood of love...
There is a flood of grace...
There is a flood of mercy...
There is a flood of hope...
Just on the other side of that wall.
Let down the gates...
Let the waters rise...
Let Him pour it all out.
Let Him flood your soul.
You will wonder why you ever tried to hold back the water.
And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:5

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
What an appropriate way to get us to visualize God's love, grace, mercy and hope. As you say, if we will but let Him in we can experience it all. Thanks for the good message. Cheryl