Such was the case yesterday evening.
I have been doing the study Made to Crave, as I have mentioned before, and as a result, I have been trying to eat less and move more. Since the weather has been good, the girls have been very helpful in helping me get a little exercise in and I have appreciated it. In anticipation of Awanas last night, I hurried home from work so that we would have a few minutes for a brisk walk together. Brenna and I took off on foot, and McKayla rode alongside us on her bike. We were almost halfway done with our walk and McKayla had sped up ahead of us as Brenna was telling me about a bug she had seen that afternoon at Meme’s house.
She starts to describe the insect that intrigued her, and jumped ahead in excitement when she saw something she could use to describe the little creature. What she was trying to describe to me, I think, was an insect that we always called a walking stick, but when she reached down to grab what she was going to illustrate with, she discovered that "it", in fact, was a creature itself!
What she thought was a stick lying on the road, was actually a snake! She jerked her hand back as it raised its head and squiggled its body into a zig-zag motion.
“Brenna, that’s a snake! Get back!” I ordered.
“I thought it was a stick, Momma!”
Thank goodness this was a small snake, probably about 12 inches long, and about half and inch wide. Immediately, I raised up my big momma, sneaker-clad foot and stepped on its head grinding it into the pavement until its body disconnected. I lifted my foot and was for certain by the appearance of the remains, that our “stick” would no longer be traveling, if you know what I mean! I have always wondered why God gave me such big feet, but yesterday, well, they came in quite handy!
We continued on our trek home and Brenna said, “I KNEW IT WASN’T A STICK WHEN I SAW IT’S EYES LOOKING AT ME!
“No, B, most sticks don’t look at ya.”
As I was grinding it’s head with my foot, the scene from the movie “The Passion of the Christ” came to mind, where Jesus obliterated the serpent with His foot in just a split second! Then I got to thinking about what the Bible says:
Luke 10:19 Jesus says to the seventy He had sent to cities ahead of Him,
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you.”
Then, in one of my favorite – favorite chapters in the whole Bible, Psalms 91, this whole chapter is about the security of someone who trusts in the Lord, it says in verse 13,
“You will tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.”
Thankfully the scaly critter we encountered was no where near the size of the one my Dad killed this past weekend --
Listen to me, my friend, if you do get caught off guard and find out something is not what it seemed, don’t forget the authority that has been given you, my sister, get that thing underfoot!
You have the authority! Jesus says so!

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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