Guess what?
The enemy doesn't even care that our eyes aren't on him, he is satisfied as long as our eyes are off of God. We are no threat to him in that condition.
In the study Made to Crave, Lysa TerKeurst made a simple statement with far reaching meaning. Of course she was speaking of food, but there is huge application possible for every aspect of our lives. Here's a paraphrase of what she said:
If we find that certain things are impossible to walk away from -- we can't or won't deny ourselves an unhealthy choice in order to make a healthier choice -- then that's a clue we are being ruled those things on some level.What is it that you find hard to walk away from when presented with the idea?
God wants you to be honest with Him about these things. It brings Him glory according to Joshua 7:19
...My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don't hide it from me.Bring Him Glory, tell Him what is hard for you to walk away from. He already knows anyway.
Dear Jesus, what is it that I can't walk away from? What things are there that I bow to without noticing? I know, God, that my affections directed in any direction other than You is sin, please forgive me for this part of me and teach me to keep my eyes gazed upon you. Whisper into my heart what You want me to learn today.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
II Tim 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
ReplyDeleteTo walk away from what I know to the unknown to step beyond my comfort zone, my security that is difficult for me. But God is always asking all of us to do that - blind obedience & trust. It never gets easy. Carla