On our last Warrior Princess Wednesday, I gave you our new verse which was John 4:34, and I told you we would talk more about it later -Well, later is now.
Here's how John 4:34 reads in the NASB:
Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work."
As we have been studying Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst, this verse was one she taught from the angle of trying to fill ourselves with food that we don't physically need. I've been chewing on this verse a bit and God has been showing me how it applies to me right now.
Jesus had just spoken with the Samaritan woman at the well while His disciples had gone into town to buy food. When they get back, it seems like they are a little miffed when they realize that Jesus had been talking with her, after all, she was not expected to be awarded the "citizen of the year" award anytime soon, if you know what I mean.
They didn't bother asking Jesus why He was associating with her, but instead went on about the business of eating. I can see them now, passing out everybody's Happy Meal, making sure the right ones get the meals marked "no onions." and the right ones get the nugget meals. They try to get Him to eat some of the food they had returned with and Jesus, hushes them with this quick quip, "I have food to eat that you do not know about." He just intrigues me so much with His responses to things like this, I wish I were that quick with my words!
Then the puzzled disciples start discussing amongst themselves how He could have possibly eaten, when He comes in with another amazing statement, which is our Godsword:
Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work."
I guess now you see where I'm going. I'm not talking about popcorn or donuts, Happy Meals or chicken nuggets. I am asking you this -
What are you feeding on?
I know when I asked myself that question, the answer wasn't the same as that of Jesus. I find myself feeding on the wrong things often. I find myself feeding on things other than doing the will of God. Things like the approval of people, my job performance, what you girls think of me, how "under control" my life is or isn't, comparing myself to others, how cluttered my kitchen counter is. Or worse, the latest story/conflict flying around the office, fear, failure, inadequacy.
Do any of these things sound familiar to you? What ARE you feeding on?
If it's anything other than doing the will of God, it's time for a change in our diets, girls.
Looking forward to hearing from you this week with your verses. We will have a new one Wednesday.
Let me close with a little housekeeping -
I'm about to cry as I begin to type this to you. I have been in prayer lately about Beyond Sunday Morning, which, by the way, I did miss immensely last week while I took a break. Through much prayer, along with discussion with Todd, it has become clear that I must back off a little. This is not because I don't have things to share with you, but because my husband and kids must come first directly after God. Writing five days a week takes a great deal of time and commitment and I feel like my family is getting the short end of the deal. This is not something I "want" to do, but I know without a doubt God is leading us in this direction. I can't tell you, my sisters, to obey Him if I'm not willing to do the same.
On the positive side though, maybe if it's not a new subject every day, like it has been, we'll have more of an opportunity for the thoughts to soak in, penetrate our hearts, opening us up for change.
I love you all, be blessed today,

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
My biggest issue would be trying to please others & meet the expectations of others. My prayer is that I will be sensitive to God's Spirit in me and hear Him as He leads me daily. I mess up in that area so much. I have failed so many times because I am distracted by things or circumstances & even fear. It's really crazy how our flesh is constantly at war with the Spirit. Even though we know that what God has for us is the best we - I choose other things.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great verse "My food, says Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work." I need to pray that on a daily if not moment by moment basis. Thank you Amy for being real & open in your journey with the Lord. You truly bless my heart! Carla
My food said Jesus is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work. John 4:34
ReplyDeletemy oh my what a feast I could have every day and be so fulfilled if I would follow God's- Word with my actions. I do fall short; but I find myself coming back to John 4:34 when I have fears about my own eating plan. - and guess who planted that seed in my heart- you, Amy---I am thankful and grateful to you for sharing your Moments with me. takecare and GodBless. love, peggy