Once writing is complete, the author finds an editor to inspect her creation. The editor scours the pages and as the editor reads, additions, deletions, corrections, and adjustments are made. The editor suggests to the author different ways of presenting her idea or story that she thinks would be better. Now, I realize I am still an infant in this huge literary world, but there is something that puzzles me. How can the editor understand the subject or the story well enough to make the best decisions about someone’s written work when the editor does not possess the same passion for the subject as the author? It seems to me that the outcome of the work might be different.
I know an Author. His writing is perfect, so flawless that He doesn’t need an editor. Even though He has proven time and again the perfection and creative genius of His work, there are editors knocking down His door volunteering to dissect and make changes to what He has written. Any idea on who’s doing the knocking?
You and me.
How many times have I asked Him to allow me to edit His ideas? I suggest, even demand that He leave chapters out, and make changes or additions where I feel they are necessary so that the story turns out the way I think is best. Because I do not share the same passion about the subject as the Author, and I cannot completely understand the ideas He has for each of His characters, I am not qualified for this job. I don’t know what is best, and my suggestions might cause a different outcome than He had planned. Flawless writing does not require an editor, but an awesome story does require a publisher. A publisher is just what He is looking for, and that is a job I can do. I can publish His story everyday as I live my life for the entire world to read, offering my life as the advance, allowing Him to turn in one chapter at a time.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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