Yes, I know this isn't a "craft" blog - but, I just couldn't help myself with this idea and I just had to share the love with my friends!
Over the weekend, our friends invited our family to their home to enjoy an evening with them. While there, I noticed a picture frame on their desk. It was a simple glass frame with a dry erase marker attached. It had been a gift made for my friend, Camillia, by her sister, Sophie (Hi Sophie!). Now - I had seen other projects where crafty people had used a picture frame to make a snazzy dry erase board, but this one sparked an idea in my mind. Instead of decorative paper in the background behind the glass, she had plain old, ordinary lined notebook paper. It reminded me of an index card.
Instead of a To Do List or a Grocery List written on the glass, Camillia had a verse noted.
The light bulb in my head went off!
I am a big believer in writing scripture that I want to apply to my life on index cards. That way the verse is readily available and I can review it often, eventually these verses become written on my heart.
Duh!!! I could write my verse on the glass and display it prominently so that I see it often, and for bonus - it could be pretty! Once I have it written on my heart, I can erase the glass and start working on a new one.
And you guessed it - I made me one! Here's what I did:
-Inexpensive Frame - this one cost $1 and is a 5x7 (you will want to chose one with a fairly thin frame if you want to be able to attach the marker)
-Inexpensive Dry Erase Board with marker attached- this too was $1
-Thin Wire or String
-One Sheet of Wide Ruled Notebook Paper
-Small Piece of Decorative Paper (for tag)
Take the back off of the frame and place it on the notebook paper, making sure that it's straight and trace around it. If your frame came with a generic insert, you can trace that. Be sure to include the cute red line that all notebook paper is famous for! Then cut out the image.
Place the notebook paper in your frame, just like you would a picture, with the red line on the left hand side.
Now you're ready to dress your frame up a little. Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to be wrapped around the end of the picture frame and tied in a knot. Cut a small tag out of colored paper. I wrote the phrase "To Ponder" on my tag. Poke a small hole in the end for your string or wire to feed through.
Pull the ribbon taut around the end of the frame and tie a knot. Be sure to feed your ribbon through the wire or string you used for your tag so that it is attached. Clip the ends of your ribbon to the length you prefer.
Now for the REALLY technical part:
Just yank the marker and its holder off of the dry erase board.
(I told you it was technical.)
And wiggle it onto the side of your frame
And all I spent on this cute little project was 2 bucks! I took mine to work to put on my desk, and as I was leaving home with it my husband wanted to know where I was going with it. He thought I was making them to sit around the house, not for my desk at work - I think he was a little jealous that I didn't make him one, but he'll never admit it!
You can make this even if you aren't crafty! (I offered hubby the intructions too, but I haven't seen him doing any work yet. Hmm ..Maybe I should breakdown and make him one with a nice pink bow......)
Here's my treat for you - Since it is so important to me that we all hide His word in our hearts, I am going to give one of these away to a lucky commenter. For each person who leaves a comment on today's post by Friday night at 11:59PM, with their favorite memory verse and it's location in the Bible, I will put your name in a drawing for a winner. But - John 3:16 doesn't count cause we all already know that one! ;)
Biggest Blessings,

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
Too Cute! My favorite verse is a common one I know, but it really has been a LIFELINE for me everytime I'm in a difficult spot!
ReplyDeleteYou will know the truth and the truth will set you free! John 8:32
Its SO CUTE!!! love the ribbon and "to Ponder" on the tag!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THIS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite verse - since I was in about 6th grade. And that was several years ago!!!! Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." This verse blows my mind still. It beats any love story, adventure, or sci-fi movie/book. And it is MY story.
ReplyDeleteI love this, My favorite verse is John 16:33 "These things have I spoken to you , so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world!!! " It just reminds me that this world gives trouble BUT Christ has already overcome the world I love the ribbon addition.
ReplyDeleteCindy McDonald
what a great idea-- and you shared it... Thanks....
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
What a cute way to make a changeable memory aid! I really like the way you got your clip, too! :)