And the next thing I know I am flat on the pavement.
I fell.
Like a dork.
Trust me, it was not glamorous. Or graceful for that matter.
Funny thing is, I never saw it coming.
Not even a hint.
One moment I was walking along with my family chatting, and the next I was dusting myself off, assessing the damage.
1 Corinthians 10:12 -
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.
You see, I thought I was fine. I was just enjoying my family, taking in my surroundings when it happened. I did not feel any danger, no sense of caution. I had no idea what was coming. The parking lot was dark, and the shadows were so deep, I had no idea that I was running out of sidewalk and about to fall. I stepped right out into oblivion, what I thought was still beneath me wasn't.
Sometimes that is exactly how the enemy attacks.
When we think we are fine.
When all is well and our guard is down.
It has happened to me many times. One moment I'm think I'm walking along with God, and the next thing I know, I am broken.
Broken because of sin.
Sin I didn't even see coming.
In a trap I didn't even know was there.
My message to you - Be Careful. Keep a guard over your heart. Over your marriage. Over your home. Over your children. Over your family. Over your relationships. And over your church.
Because we have an ememy who wants to destroy you.
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.
My sister, if you already have fallen, don't feel condemned by this message If you find yourself all sprawled out on the pavement, don't be ashamed. Call out to your Father who loves you so much. He will pick you up and dust you off. He will heal your wounds. He will restore you.
If you let Him.
He loves you.
From one fallen, all sprawled out girl to another, please know, I love you too.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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