For the rest of you, I am guest posting for my friend, Whitt Madden today. Click here to read about the team at Be the Domino, click on Meet The Team, and scroll through the different team members. You will see my name on that page, which is where you'll find today's post. God, thru Whitt, is building a wonderful ministry through Be the Domino and I am excited for what is in store for the Kingdom as a result of people being the domino and impacting the lives of each another one by one.
I would love for you to hop over to Whitt's site and check out the great work going on there. I am lucky to have the opportunity to partner with him and the rest of his team to guest post in upcoming months. Stay tuned!
Whitt, his wife Camillia, and family have been wonderful friends and a great encouragement to us as a family and to Todd and I in ministry. It is so encouraging to watch someone really dig in to God and refuse to let go. The past year has been hard for us and they, without realizing it, have been instrumental in encouraging Todd and me. We are blessed for having known them. Whitt and Camillia are a true testimony to the miraculous hand of God moving in two people's lives and they run toward the Father in reckless abandon - together.
Mind if I pray for you and for Be the Domino?
Father, You are a God of the miraculous and no less. Your hand is mighty to save and it is tender to reach down and touch our frail frames. Your hand is full of healing, grace, and abounding in love. And that hand reaches for me. How I long for the day to actually see your hand as it extends for mine as we dance into eternity together. I thank You, God, that You still stir our spirits. I thank You that You are still calling those, like Whitt and his team, in service to your Kingdom. I thank You for the lives that have been and will be touched and changed as a result of Be the Domino. You tell us in your word that your gifts and calling are irrevocable, which explains the passion with which ministries like Be the Domino work and serve. Father renew a passion for You within us all today and remind us of the day we first felt You nudge our hearts. Spirit, stir that up to the surface for us all once again. Be glorified today, God. For You are worthy.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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