Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Spy Friday

Remember when we played I Spy a few weeks ago? We all had fun with that post, so I thought we would try it again today.  If you need to be brought up to speed, click here for what we did last time. 

Here goes, my friends -

I spy with my little eye something about our God.....

I spy with my little eye something about our God and it's in Psalms 65:2

Now - you look around in Psalms 65:2 and see if you can figure out what it is.

When you do, post a comment letting us know you found it. Don't say what it is so that everybody gets a chance to play, just say something like "I got it!" or "I figured it out."

I'll post the answer in a few days and you can see if you were right!

Have a great weekend!  Love you all.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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  1. I got it and am sooo thankful He does

  2. Got it!~ Hallelujah! And I have no idea how I just did that little spanish squiggle! It's been a long and LATE weekend to say the least.

  3. I got it and how greatful I am that He is!! Oh, I'm still tired from scraping all weekend!!!


How? It's Easy!
1) Type your comment in the white box.
2) Click on Select Profile. This tells us who you are. If you do not have and account with any of the choices in the list, select Anonymous. You can always type your name inside the white box instead.
3) Click on Publish and you're done!

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