One day last week, I was sitting at a stop light on my way to work. As I sat waiting at the red light, the light turned green for the cross traffic. The traffic began to move forward and a tanker truck caught my eye. I have never seen a tanker truck quite like this one, and to tell you the truth, I have no idea what it was carrying. I was distracted by a word I saw painted on it and never got past that word. The truck was a different color than the typical tanker truck, kind of a blue green and the tank itself had silver lettering.
There were words at the top and words at the bottom, which I never read because I was struck by the word in the center. Not just the word, but how it was fashioned, and I felt a stirring within. That same stirring that I have come to know as the Holy Spirit, who in His gentleness, is always ready to make my life and the happenings of my day a classroom.
The letters of the word were very large. Solid at the bottom, but the tops of the letters faded away. Faded into nothing. You've seen words like this in slide shows and power points, and I tried my best to reproduce what caught my eye -
Now, this isn't exactly what I saw, but it's close. I noticed the tops of the letters faded away to nothing, their edges having no real defined stopping place, and God taught me something about refining.
The refining process is not always clearly defined for us.
It doesn't always make sense.
He doesn't always reveal all of the pieces to us.
We all face situations and struggles in our life that just don't make sense. Even though they don't always make sense, don't always have a defined outline, aren't always exactly clear, you can always trust that refining is taking place.
God uses those trials and struggles in His refining process to make us more like Him and even though we can't see how a situation is going to work out, He is still using it.
I know some of you are facing GREAT trials, HARD struggles, and DEEP pain that make no sense at all. Please trust this - even though you can't see the end, you can't see the outcome, He is using it and you are more like Jesus today than you were yesterday.
It's all part of the refining process.
These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
1 Peter 1:7

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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