Monday, April 26, 2010

Trash to Treasure

Last night a group of people from our church had an opportunity to share with us what they experienced on their recent mission trip to El Salvador.  They showed us pictures of children at an orphanage they served at.  This wasn't just your ordinary orphanage, this one was specifically for children with special needs.  They shared with us how these children ended up at this destination.  In that country, as in many others, life is not valued as we value it.  If a child is born less than perfect, it is useless to them.  Many of these children were discovered abandoned on the streets, many were even found in dumpsters, tossed away as mere trash as small babies.  As I thought about this, I realized something.  My daughter, Brenna, was born less than perfect.  She was born with a cleft lip.  (There's alot to that story for another time!) Although her imperfection was mild, compared to many others, had she been born somewhere else, she could have been tossed into a dumpster as invaluable.   I cannot fathom that thought.  She definitely made our family complete and none of us would be the same without knowing her.  Her life is valuable to me.

God says your life is valuable to Him.

     "But the very hairs of your had are all numbered.  Therefore do not fear; You are of more value than many sparrows."  Matthew 10:30-31

We are all a work in progress, and even with our imperfections of sin and wordliness, He values you so dearly that He was willing to lay down His life as the purchase price for you.  That makes you pretty valuable, even if you don't feel like it sometimes.  Your life means too much to Him, even with its present imperfections to be tossed away into a dumpster somewhere as meaningless.   Girls - let me put it this way -  If you were in a yard sale, He would snatch you up in a heartbeat!  He loves to turn "Trash to Treasure".

Thank you, God, for valuing me.  Thank you that you haven't thrown this clay away.  You keep spinning your potters wheel and shaping me into the treasure you have pictured in Your mind.  I pray I will allow this clay to remain moist and pliable so that you can do your work.  I pray that when you are finished you have a treasured masterpiece for all to see.

Amy Dotson, RPDOTK (Royal Princess Daughter Of The King)
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1 comment:

  1. This was so beautiful. We are all precious in his sight. Thank you for sharing what God has spoken to your heart.


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