I read a church sign near my home a few days ago that said something like this:
Thinking about the message of the sign as I drove on, I thought how goofy "Merry Mas" sounded, and the more I said it to myself, the more clearly I began to hear something totally different.
I began to hear mess.
M. E. S. S.
A mess.
I don't know about you, but I have enough messes in my life to clean up without creating another one. And a mess is exactly what we're left with when we don't focus on Christ during the Christmas season.
I actually remember getting in trouble from my mom one year when I was little for writing "X-Mas". Of course, I didn't understand the magnitude of it then, but now - I totally get it. The phrase "Keep Christ in Christmas" has been used so much in recent years, that it seems to have little impact, but the concept is vitally important to enjoying and not dreading this time of year.
There is one way to keep Christ in Christmas that is very, very simple. This will require no more time than you are already giving to the season. You are already hearing Christmas music on the radio, in stores, and on television, aren't you? This is really simple - just engage your mind. Let the words of songs like Silent Night penetrate through the to-do lists and the to-buy lists in your mind and seep down into your soul......I might be crying when Silent Night ends, but it's certainly not a bah humbug cry. They are tears of gratitude, tears of worship to the One calms me.
I challenge you to reflect on the words of the old Christmas Hymns and let them draw a picture in your mind of that lowly stable, those quaking shepherds, the glory streaming from Heaven, and the angels singing Alleluia.
What a blessed night.
What are some ways you and your family keep Christ in Christmas?

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
We are doing advent this year. My daughter said that sounded like some wierd religious thing, but it's simply a devotion each night with an activity to do that keeps our thoughts focused on Christ. We have loved it so far. We also take our Christmas Cards and put them on the kitchen table in a box or bag. Then each night when we eat dinner we each pick out a card and pray for that family. I really struggle at Christmas trying to find where I belong with all of the culture vs. faith. These two things have helped me tremendously! Merry Christmas!
LOVE this!!! I also have been soaking in the words and heart of the Christmas songs...LOVE. Used to love O Holy Night...but now Hark the Herald Angels sing is hands down my favorite.
ReplyDeleteHow we are keeping Christ in Christmas this year, well. Whitt and I have been very convicted over this even last Christmas, this year we are using a grid on how we purchase gifts for anyone, does it draw someone to Christ, Point them to Him? Does it bring them closer to family and time spent together? Those are how we have looked at gifts. We have something home made for everyone as well. We have enjoyed going thru with our kids and thinking "How would Jesus spend His Birthday Money" and going from there. Its been fun, and seeing our kids (Specifically Cayla) get excited when other people in her class at school encourage her in thinking outside of getting. She is excited about it. Those are some ways we are making it all about Him (Which it should have always been in the first place) again.
Merry Mas! I hope you enjoyed the holidays!