Oh, I have. As much as I resisted, I finally partook several weeks ago. The ideas, recipes, thoughts, quotes, etc are practically endless. Boring people like me enjoy the household cleaning tips, organization ideas, recipes, craft ideas, etc. Because of the likelihood of addiction, I limited my pinteresting from the get go because I knew this could be a breeding ground for unproductivity, if you get my drift. I mean, I get on there and with the very few people I follow, I could get lost for hours reading about their pins alone.
I really think I have internet A.D.D.
As I searched Pinterest for something specific last night, I thought about all the pins people have made, and all of the pins that have been repinned. Some of the people on Pinterest have so many pins, there is no way they can remember what they have and haven't pinned. I thought, these ideas are great and all, but how many of them are actually used. In all my wisdom, I deducted that it was very likely that there was alot more pinning than there was doing....
Lots of good intentions....
...........but less implementations.
Here's a few examples from my friends who have graciously agreed for me to make spectacles out of their Pinterest habits.
There's me - I have 18 pins, not very many in the world of Pinterest, and of those 18, I have actually only used 3 of them. Oh, sure, there are several on there that I intend to put to use, but I haven't.
Then there's my friend Brittany. Well, she's still stuck in the "I don't get this" mode about Pinterest and she has no pins. The whole concept makes no sense to her, and that's ok! In her organizational, list making brain, when it clicks with her, she will LOVE it.
Camillia has 458 pins that are what I would call "usable" and she has actually put 151 of those things into use.
My baby sister, Andrea, well I'll just tell ya, between Andrea's and Camillia's pins, I never have to go to the main Pinterest board. They keep me very well occupied. Andrea has 495 pins and says she has actually only used about 15-20, which were mainly recipes.
I asked Leslie, she has a whopping 3 pins, but confesses to reading thousands and using only about 6.
And poor Angie, she doesn't even have her own Pinterest board, that's a story for another post. She just lingers around the site reading pin after pin with no place to call home. She admits to reading pins for countless hours and never using a single one of them. We love you anyway, Angie.Do you get where I'm going with this? Without implementing any of the ideas that are so appealing to us, that's all they are - ideas.
.......and without implementing what we know about God and His Word, it's just knowledge.
In lots of situations we know what we "ought to do" or what we "should do". We've got tools "pinned" in our hearts and minds, but often we have lots of good intentions.....but less implementation.
Friends, we can't approach our relationship with our Savior as if it were a spiritual Pinterest board.
If I want real change in my life, I have to do more than "pin it".
I have to use it.
I have to live it.
I have to believe it.
That's when the pin moves from being simply pinned in my head to permanently nailed to my heart, and forever becomes part of me.

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
I was feeling quite good about my "over 100" until I read the "hours reading countlessly" and then your comparison to what we read/study/know/talk about/plan out etc for scripture and Gods Word.... OUCH!!! intentionally put into practice....that is the message He told me. Yes. Great post. I can totally relate, and need allow Him to adjust me accordingly