Wednesday, October 5, 2011

For Those Who Pastor

As most of you know, I'm a pastor's wife and I can tell you life in ministry, next to parenting, is one of the most difficult and rewarding occupations in the world.  I hesitate to use the word "occupation", because, from our side of the fence, it's not an occupation.  It's a calling.  It's a purpose.  It's a drive within that can come from no other place than the throne of God. 

You just can't NOT do it.  I mean how many other occupations do you see people furthering their education, advancing their degree, and doing it for no more compensation this side of Heaven?  Pastors do that.  Not for the compensation, but for the opportunity to gain further understanding on how to minister to this hurting, dying world.

October is Pastor Appreciation month, and I don't say that because my husband is a pastor, but because I see the things that those who pastor others endure.  I see what they give, and sometimes it costs them more than you can imagine.  I see the battles they face.  Pastoring puts tension on their marriages, on their children, on their extended families, and on their friendships - but they give anyway.

Your pastor loves you. 

God loves you through your pastor.

Some of you who read Beyond Sunday Morning are from the same congregation as I, and many of you who read are not.  Over the summer, our congregation felt the pain of losing our pastor.   He and his precious wife were called to minister in a new avenue.   John and Carla Offutt were called by God to embark on a new ministry called LifeSource Ministries.  They have a desire to pastor those who pastor, minister to those who minister, and to refresh local church bodies.

If you love your pastor and appreciate what he does for the Kingdom, make a point to let him know some time this month and be sure to let him know about Life Source Ministries

Royal Princess Daughter Of The King
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